• Position: Advocate of the High Court of South Africa. Member of the Johannesburg Society of Advocates, Johannesburg Bar

  • Status:

  • Membership:  2011 – Johannesburg Society of Advocates

  • Practice: I specialise in general litigation, conducting trial, appearing in motion court and drafting.

  • Work: (011) 722 9000

  • Mobile: 072 492 7372

Whatsapp Me


I obtained my LLB degree and LLM: Criminal Law and Procedure from UNISA years after, I joined the Johannesburg Society of Advocates in 2011 for pupillage and started practicing in 2012


Prior to becoming a member of the Bar, I was a member of the South African Police Services and resigned with the rank of Warrant officer. Whilst in the employ of the South African Police Services, I specialised in investigation of criminal activities.

I obtained the National Diploma Police administration and BTech Policing the following year.